Lan-Hsuan Huang 黃籃萱

Professor of Mathematics

My main research focuses on general relativity and geometric analysis. My research has been recognized by an NSF CAREER award, a Simons Fellowship, and the Fellow of the AMS. I earned B.S. in Mathematics from National Taiwan University and my Ph.D. in Mathematics from Stanford University. I have previously held positions at Columbia University and the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton.

Here is my short CV.


Editorial Board

Associate Editor for Journal of Mathematical Physics since 2022.


Outreach educational activities:

I have been involved in activities that promote science to a broader audience, including working with beginning graduate students and K-12 education.


Organization activities

With colleagues, I have co-organized several research activities at UConn for graduate and undergraduate students


I have also co-organized several research activities for the broader scientific community, including the SLMath Semester Program New Frontiers in Curvature.


Lan-Hsuan Huang-UConn

My research activities are currently supported by the National Science Foundation through

Grant DMS-2304966 (2023-present)
Grant CMMI-2130668 (2022-present)

Phone: 860.486.8390
Address: Department of Mathematics
University of Connecticut
341 Mansfield Road U1009
Storrs, Connecticut 06269-1009
